Tuesday, December 23, 2014

       Over the last two weeks our children have been engaged in exciting reading and research about the giant squid and the sperm whale. Through this experience, the children learned about the compare/contrast text structure, taking notes on the most important information. Each student formulated an opinion about who he or she believed would dominate should a giant squid and a sperm whale come face-to-face. Using evidence from the text, the children conducted a formal debate to collaboratively argue in favor of their opinions. After our debate, the each child wrote a multi-paragraph opinion essay, supporting their positions with reasons and evidence from multiple sources. This process was an exciting and engaging was to integrate our recent learning in Reader's and Writer's Workshops. Please enjoy reading Christian's opinion essay which supports the giant squid as the more powerful animal, and Jack's essay which supports the sperm whale as dominant.

Giant Squid vs. Sperm Whale    by Christian !!!!!!

The giant squid inks the sperm whale in the face as it tries to retreat. The giant squid attacks. Clearly, without a doubt the giant squid will win.           

The giant squid has more powerful physical features than the sperm whale. For example, the giant squid has a strong beak. The wimpy sperm whale only has teeth on the bottom of it’s mouth. In addition, the giant squid has large eyes. That helps it see well in the deep, dark, ocean. The sperm whale has useless cherry-sized eyes on the side of its head. Another example is it has tentacles. The tentacles have suction cups with hooks inside. The sperm whale has ineffective, foot-long flippers.

     The giant squid has many powerful defences. First of all, the giant squid can squirt ink. The ink will let the giant squid escape. The sperm whale doesn’t produce anything to confuse the giant squid. Additionally, giant squid can breath under water. In other words, they don’t need to come up for air so, they can drown the sperm whale who has to come up for air. Finally they can swim backwards. Swimming backwards will help the giant squid escape while watching their prey, the sperm whale.

Giant squid are far more agile than sperm whale. First of all, it can stop and change direction quickly. The sperm whale has to slow down to turn. As you know, the giant squid can swim backwards. In fact the sperm whale can only swim in 1 direction. Last but not least the giant squid can swim to an unknown depth. The sperm whale can only go 1\2 a mile deep.
In conclusion the giant squid will win because it has 100% more powerful physical features, defence, and agility.  

The powerful whale by Jack

Imagine a squid winning a fight against a sperm whale. Wait a minute! That’s wrong! Wrong, wrong, wrong! The sperm whale should win against the giant squid.

The whale’s diet proves that it is stronger than the giant squid. For example, the sperm whale eats giant squid and other strong animals. The giant squid, on the other hand, eats only tiny animals that can’t even defend themselves. ThHe sperm whale’s diet is important because if a whale and squid came face to face, the whale could eat the giant squid before the squid starts to attack. Also, the whale eats other animals that are strong than the animals that the squid eats. For example, the whale eats the dangerous sting ray. The giant squid eats weakling animals like fish and other small squid. Obviously the whale’s diet shows that if the whale and the giant squid came face to face, the whale has a better chance of winning.

The whales physical features are the best ones of all.For example the sperm whale has super thick skin.The skin can be 4 to 12 inches thick.Plus the sperm whale can shock its food so if the sperm whale and a giant squid met face to face the sperm whale might shock the squid and eat it.Plus the whale has a strong tale so it can swim at 25 mph.but the squid can only swim at 20 mph.The whale has the biggest brain on earth!

I know the sperm whale will win because it has the best features of all!

Saturday, November 29, 2014

Hands On Equations

Hands on equations is a subject in math. In Pine Hill Mrs.Mansfield teaches it. It is hard for some people and easy for some people. 


The 2 strategies are the first legal move and the second legal move. They are both very helpful but you don’t have to do them. When using the first legal move, take one or more blue pawn(s) from each side until you run out on one side or  both. It has to be equal amount taken away from each side. When using the second legal move, take one or more red number cube(s) which have to be the same number on each side until you run out on one side or both. It has to be an equal amount taken away from each side. Put all of the items back up on the scale. If you don’t put all of the pawns or cubes back up on the scale, you won’t get that problem or equation right and you will have to do it all over. Mrs. Mansfield is very good at math. She is a useful butterfly trying to help you with a problem you might have. If hands on equations is hard for you,  work hard and try to get better at it. It will benefit you a lot and you will be much better at hands on equations.


Did you know that there are 5 things you need for hand  on equations? Three matrials are particularly important. There are 3 items you need for hands on equations. They are a scale, blue pawns and red number cubes. You have to use all of them, but if you don’t use all of them you will not be able to solve the problem or equation. The scale is used for putting blue pawns and red number cubes on. You can use a 3D scale or a 2D scale. Either can work well. The blue pawns are used for solving the equation or problem. You need at least 8 of these blue pawns. The red number cubes are used for solving the equation or problem. You need at least 4 of these red number cubes There are different types of red number cubes the 2 types of red number cubes are 1-5 and 5-10. You use both kinds to solve the equation or problem. The materials make it possible to learn allgebra with ease.


YES! I finished my hands on equations worksheet! Am I the first one? Nope, better luck next time. These are the equation items. These equation items are as important as a parachute while skydiving. They make up a lot of the equation or problem. Two of these symbols I have explained already. The blue pawn symbol is seen as an X. It is used in the equation or problem. The blue pawn symbol resembles the blue pawn. It is very useful in the equation or problem. The symbol also helps you a lot. The red number cube symbol resembles the red number cube. It is used in the equation. The red number cube symbol is usually next to the plus sign. The plus sign is used in the equation. It is addition and is useful. It is next to the red number cube symbol. The plus sign is also used in regular math. The minus sign is used in the equation or problem. It is subtraction The minus sign is also used in regular math. These equation items will help you throughout the times you do Hands on Equations. After this, work hard on hands on equations and try to finish first!

By Lucy

Saturday, November 15, 2014

The Zones of Regulation by Emily and Trisha

       Do you know what the zones of regulation are? The zones of regulation are feelings that relate to a color. Such as red and mad or blue and sad! Mrs. Ryan has been teaching her class about the zones and they love it!
      The green zone is a great place to be in.The green zone is a zone of regulation that means the person in it is either, thankful, relaxed, okay, appreciated, excited, focused, proud, content, feeling good, listening, calm, or happy. All in all, you're basically in a good mood. When you're in the green zone, you're ready to learn.  
        The red zone is expected when your being or feeling aggressive, mean, angry, grouchy, crabby, yelling, mad (of course), terrified, frustrated, jealous, or annoyed. When you're in the red zone, it is very hard to learn.  (Annoyed also falls in the yellow zone which is another zone of regulation.)The reason it means what it sounds like is because you want to get all your anger out and clench your fists until they hurt. Being in the red zone is not necessarily a bad thing but at school you need to get out of the red zone, or else it will distract other learners and distract you. You need to use a strategy such as a walk or a drink. Mrs Ryan never lets us take a break longer than 2 minutes. Which is a good thing so we can learn longer and so we can get out of the red zone or yellow zone. 
     Another zone of regulation is the blue zone its a zone your in when you're tired,slumped over,scared, and terrified. The blue zone mainly means you are tired.The blue is not a very good place to be in when you are in school. It is a good place to be in at twelve o'clock at night.
      In all the zones of regulation are a great way to sort out emotions and feelings. 

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Quick Updates

  • Predicting Homework Assignments
    • Math: Study Link or supplementary practice nightly (Monday-Thursday)
    • Study math facts for 5 minutes and record in log
        • Friday - fact logs due / in-class quiz
    • Wordly Wise and Spelling homework - Alternative weeks
      • Wordly Wise weeks: 
        • Monday - Exercises A and B
        • Tuesday - Exercises C and D
        • Wednesday - Part E #s 1-7
        • Thursday - Part E #s 8-15 and study words
        • Friday - in-class quiz
      • Spelling weeks
        • Monday - Alphabetize words / write five sentences
        • Tuesday - Sort additional words and record in chart / write five sentences
        • Wednesday - Write 5 challenging words in 5 different colors / write five sentences
        • Thursday - Study words using a strategy from the inside cover of book
        • Friday - in-class quiz
    • Reading: Read for at least 20 minutes, five nights per week. Record reading and a statement connected to reading in log.
        • Friday - Reading log due

  • Report Cards and Conferences
    • Report cards are sent home on Nov. 26th
    • Conferences Begin December 3rd
    • If you need to change your conference time send me an email or revisit our Sign-Up Genius page
    • Students should be present at conferences. They will share work, reflect on progress. Parents will have time to speak with me privately at the  end of the conference.

  • Ms. Cochi's last day
    • Our outstanding student teacher, Ms. Cochi, will complete her student teaching experience during the month of December. She has been an integral part of our classroom community this fall. Ms. Cochi has exceeded every expectation of a student teacher. The students and I will be sad to see her go.
A Quick Peek Inside 4ry
4Ry students participate in Reader's Theater on Halloween day

Students learn about plant adaptations while visiting Broadmoor Wildlife Sanctuary

Students work with literacy partners to gather information from a text set about seed dispersal. The students used the information in their notes to write a multi-paragraph composition about how and why seeds disperse.

Friday, September 12, 2014

Reading at Home

Today, the students were introduced to the fourth grade reading log. Like learning to play soccer or the flute, reading takes continuous practice in order to improve. We expect fourth graders to read for at least twenty minutes, five nights each week. The children receive new reading logs on Fridays so that they can begin their "at home" reading over the weekend if they wish. Reading logs are due in class on Fridays. It is important to check your child's reading log and sign it before it is doe in class. A link to the reading log document will be posted on this blog.

Happy reading!

-Mrs. Ryan

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Helpful Homework Hints!

The children are becoming familiar with our classroom routines and expectations. During the next two weeks, we will ease into the fourth grade homework rhythm. Homework will be light for the next few days as the children learn how to complete Everyday Math, Wordly Wise, and Spelling assignments. By the end of the second week of September homework expectations will be consistent each night.

What to expect from fourth grade homework:

  • If children are focused and working hard, homework should take approximately 40 minutes to complete. If your child is doing his best work, but the homework takes longer than 40 minutes, he can stop. He should write a quick note to me to explain that he did his best work for 40 minutes.
  • Homework is written in the assignment book each day. Homework materials are kept in the homework folder in the binder.
  • Typically, there will be two pieces of homework each night. Math homework, which we call the "study link," will come home daily. The second piece of homework will either be Wordly Wise or spelling. Spelling and Wordly Wise are emphasized in alternating weeks.
  • If homework is not done, a missing assignment card will be brought home to be signed by a parent. The missing assignment will be made up during recess.
  • In addition to homework assignments, the children should read each day for at least twenty minutes. Next week, the children will be introduced to the reading log which is intended to keep track of at-home reading.
How can you help?
  • Homework is intended to be practice of the skills learned in school that day. Children should be able to complete assignments independently. 
  • Check your child's assignment book each afternoon so that you are aware of the expectations. 
  • Help your child to find a quiet and focused time to complete assignments.
  • Allow your child to complete assignments independently so that I have an accurate sense of how well your child handles their homework responsibilities and material.
  • If your child is having trouble, encourage him to write a note or seek help. This promotes important self-advocacy skills. I am always happy to give extra help!
  • It is best if homework is done in pencil. Homework may also be typed if word processing is helpful for your child.
  • The Student Reference Book is a helpful tool for completing math homework.
  • Your child will need his Wordly Wise book of Wordly Wise homework. He will need his spelling word cards and spelling book for spelling homework.
  • All of the math study links may also be printed from www.everydaymath.com.
  • www.wordlywise3000.com is a helpful resource for studying Wordly Wise words.
As always, please do not hesitate to email if you have an questions or concerns.


Mrs. Ryan

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

August 27, 2014
Dear 4Ry Families,

      Welcome to 4Ry! We had a fantastic first day of school. This week we will focus on becoming familiar with one another, our classroom, and our routines. The students and I will work together to begin to establish a safe and caring learning environment.

       I am excited to announce that Mrs. Lyanne Cochi is a student teacher who will be working full time in our classroom this semester. She is bright, enthusiastic, and caring. I know that she will be a wonderful addition to our classroom community.

Our specials schedule is as follows:

Monday: Technology, Chorus
Tuesday: Health (alternating weeks), Music
Wednesday: Art
Thursday: Library
Friday: P.E.

Please remind your child to return library books on Thursdays and wear sneakers on Fridays.

        I believe that it is important for parents and teachers to have open lines of communication. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have questions, concerns, or if there is any information that would help me to better understand your child. The most efficient way to reach me is via email (ryanj@doversherborn.org).
Thank you,

                                                                                      Mrs. Ryan