Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Be the Change!

Student thinking after reading What to do 
With a Problem, by Kobi Yamada

Scholastic Ordering Information and Link

Class Code - QPWJL
Order Due Date -  December 16th

Dear Families,

This month’s Scholastic Reading Club flyers are now available! Please take a few moments to explore the selection together and let your child help choose books he or she is excited to read.

You can order online at, where you’ll find a wide selection of quality children’s books that are just right for your child’s reading level and interests. Or return your paper order form to me with a check made out to “Scholastic Reading Club.”

Remember, you help our class earn FREE Books and supplies with every order. Thank you for supporting your child’s reading both at home and in the classroom!

Ms. Ryan

PS: Please let me know if your order includes a gift for your child, and I will contact you when it arrives!

First Time Ordering Online?
  • Go to
  • Enter our one-time Class Activation Code.
  • Shop and submit your child's book order.
  • Your books will be delivered directly to the classroom. 

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

student post: specials

Specials are activities we do outside the classroom, 1 each day. Welcome to specials in 4Ry! All 4Ry students are requird to go to specials,we have 5 a day during the week. Library is the special that is most chilling.In 4th grade library we learn about myths and we put up! Posters!In art we are we are making closet monsters!Mostly art is a place for creativity and focus,in art we also have a vacation area! P.E. is a place to exercise ,but we don’t just exercise we also learn about health. Music is a place where we all have fun and focus so it’s all in the middle. Last but certanly not least technology! In technology we learn about google classroom, google docks, coding and type to learn 4.NOW GO GET BUSY WITH SPECIALS!!!
Oct 31, 2016 9:59:22 AM.jpgNov 2, 2016 8:29:03 AM.jpg


Student Post: Specials


Do you want to know the specials of 4ry? Species are the main activities outside of school. In 4ry, we have 5 speciels, technology, music, library, p.e., and art.IN technology we do coding,Research,and GC (google classroom).We research by trying to find good websites.In music we’ve been learnig the Canoe song, singing ostinatos, and sound storms. Ostinatos are a pattern that repeats itself Multiple times. In read aloud in library we are reading myths, we’ve also done a topic search on Destiny. In p.e we are running laps, playing helping hand tag, highway tag, and king of the Mountain. King of the mountain is basically a rock papers scissors shoot mini game where there is 15 hula-hoops in a mountain shape, and everytime there is two people in one they rock paper scissors shoot and the winner goes up one and loser goes down one. In art we have done shoes and imaginary shoes sketches, a bug painting, and we are working on there’s a monster in my closet. Now you know the specials of 4ry, if you get this class, you will know the specials and some of the activities in them.

By D.S.

Student Blog Post: Specials


Do you like specials? Specials are the main thing we do out out of the classroom. PE is fun and Mr.Carnes is really nice I like to run around. Do you? Technology is fun because you get to use computers at school I like to use computers.Music is fun because we can play fun         games and sing fun songs.Library is fun because you can read I like to read. Art is fun with Mrs.Richards. Ilike to paint and drew.It dosint mater what special we have thaie all great.                  By W.A.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               

Student Post: Pollination


Do you know what pollination is? If you don't, today is your day to learn what pollination is.Pollination is very important to humans and bees.Bees and butterflies are pollinators these are the only pollinators in the world.When a bee comes to get nectar from a flower the pollen on the flower gets stuck on the bee then the bee goes to another flower and the pollen on the bee gets stuck on the sticky tube called a stigma then the pollen on that stigma would make a pollen tube down to the ovary and make seeds!That's how pollination works.Without pollination this world would without humans or anything.  By R.R.     File:BaltimoreDS.jpg             

Student Post - Specials


      4Ry Specials
                             By E.L.
   Have you ever wondered where we managed to learn how to draw so well? Or type so fast?

Learn what the specials are and what we do in them.
Art is when we make creative, sometimes colorful projects with Mrs. Richards, the art teacher. So far, we have created an imaginary insect picture, a shoe sketch, a fall-based leaf scratch-out made with paint, and are almost done with a monster-in-my-closet project. Library is where we check out books to read for the rest of the week. We also have read-alouds read from our fabulous librarian, Ms. Ryan (not the classroom teacher). Music is where we sing songs, play instruments, and study with Mrs. Hodge, the music teacher. One thing we do is play patterns in a song with rhythm sticks. Physical Ed is running laps and keeping our heart rates up. One fun game we play every-once in a-while is One-street-tag. Technology is coding and typing to improve our computer skills. Recently, we have done topic research on the computer.
Apart from the classroom, specials are a great way to exercise, improve your skills and express your creativity.  


Student Post: Teacher Bio

Want to learn more about 4RY? Come see us! Ms Ryan is the 4RY classroom teacher. The class she liked most growing up was social studies and her favorite grade was 4th (duh!?) her birthdate is April 28 th 1981 “Mere spring chicken ” She quotes! She has three kids Owen and Spencer three (the twins) and Jake turned six on Thursday October 27th 2016. Ms. Ryan's favorite superhero is the hulk. She likes the hulk for a reason one of her favorite things to do out of school when she's not taking care of her kids is lift weights, running and yoga. She loves the fall. Some of her favorite things to then are decorating her house for halloween carving pumpkins. She also likes running in cool weather while looking at leaves. Also she had her first kid Jake, in the fall of 2010 October 27th. Ms Ryans favorite food is spicy mexican and the best color in her opinion is blue/green. She loves Wayland the town she lives in but she says her house is way too small for her whole family. Also her two of her favorite books are I Know Why The Caged Bird Sings by Maya Angelou and Out Of My Mind by Sharon M. Draper and her favorite movie is The Sound Of Music. She did have one pet simon the cat but he ran away! Without ms Ryan 4RY would not be 4RY.

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                                            BY: K.B

Student Post - Plant Unit

              Plant Unit in Science (pollination)     Have you ever wondered what is inside a plant? Well now you can! In the amazing world of plants you can find anything like a pistil to a stigma to an ovule to a stamen, were gonna learn about them right now. What is fury at the top and is as small as an ant and has something that rubs off on bees? A stamen!!!!! A stamen is a long “stem” with pollen at the top it rubs off on bees and says there until the bee flies to another plant or flower. The stigma is an important part of pollination, the stigma is sticky at the top so when a bee comes by and gets nectar the pollen on it gets stuck to the stigma.Without a pistil there would be no pollination, the pistil is like a highway for the pollen,the pollen travels down the pistil and goes to the ovules. The ovules are the most important tent part of this process because the ovules make the seeds,when the pollen from another plant makes contact with the ovules seeds are made, then the outside swells into a fruit. But why is the process so complicated why not more simple, there are so many more questions I and other people have there are so many to be uncovered.

By S.M.                                                                                     Avocado plantOct 31, 2016 9:57:49 AM.jpg

Student Post: 4ry

         Interesting Things In 4Ry
                   By F.G.

Oct 31, 2016 9:49:39 AM.jpg
4Ry is a classroom,but that does not mean we don't have cool things! Like (spoiler alert) giant peppers, a bobble headed hulk,and one giant lazy frog. ne of are interesting things is are giant peppers.Good behaviour it fills bad behaviour it empties. pride and joy when filled  crying in agony when emptied (yea crying!)A cool guy in 4Ry is baby bobble head hulk. You know it's him when  you   see his giant tippy  head. He is given to the group with best transitions and that's something to work on cause he's awesome! Are last guy is Inspector frog. He is given to the peep with the neatest desk ,plus the peep gets a prize! This giant frog looks like a hairy lime which sounds gross but it's not. Classrooms don't have to be boring,special things make each day more interesting!              Oct 31, 2016 10:09:24 AM.jpgOct 31, 2016 10:06:42 AM.jpg

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Teacher Bios!

Do you ever wonder who teachers really are and what they really do? Well if you’re reading this you’re gonna find out. Let’s start with Mrs. Ryan. Mrs.Ryan has 3 kids a pair of twins who are three and a kindergartener who  is 6.”okay time for an interview let’s talk to when I asked Mrs.Ryan where she went to college she said she went to  connecticut college and their mascot was a camel and she also  went to U.mass for her masters degree”.”Okay last quick question what did you teach at the other school you taught at?” “I taught fourth grade and I shared kids with another teacher”. “Okay next we have Mr. Barry. “Mr.Barry did you have any other jobs before this?”Yes  first I became a graphic designer then I became a third grade teacher”.Did you have any pets when you  were younger?” Yes I had a cat named maui like the hawaiian island.” Okay last teacher were gonna talk about is Mrs.Diebus Mrs. Diebus job is a teacher's helper and a lunch monitor. She substitutes for teachers when they are out, you could say Mrs. Diebus helps a lot around the school.”We have so many teachers who knows what they’ll do next.

By A.B

Student Post: Math Games!

Oct 28, 2016 10:31:07 AM.jpgDo you ever wonder how we get through math without dropping dead of boredom?

Here’s the answer- we play Math games!!

The games are always related to the lesson that day. For example,if we have a lesson on geometry, we will have a game involving polygons. Sometimes we will have the same math game for a 2-3 days. The actual games are on the  author’s studio which is under our Reach for the Stars! Poster. If we have iPads they are at the back table.I took a survey 4Ry’s favorite math games and a lot of people liked the same math games. 2 people liked Beeline, 11 people liked Yahtzee and 8 people didn’t participate in the survey. I made a  pie chart  on the data from the survey(above). It was super duper fun making it! Math games are very important because without them, we would die of boredom. But seriously, they save us from going insane.
By A.C.                                                                                                                                                                                                

Student Post: More Chairs...

Have you ever sat in a uncomfortable chair? I ‘sint it awful when a chair is molded not even CLOSE to your butt!!! Well,if you are at pine hill  you are in luck.cause 4Ry has some of the biggest chair verieties on the hill.Now lets talk chairs:COMFORT CLASSES bulky bean bags twisty rolly poly chairs and things to share tip1:always sit in the hard chair first because then it feels like torture and after you are done doing that, once you get into a beanbag chair itil feel like heven on earth.Tip2.If you are feeling energenic you could try the stool, depending on who you are,it could help you lern.
Comfort meets fashion design,as modern as the chairs look,no need to worry.they are comfortable.For example,the stool  uses your mussules in such a way that you don’t get tierd from sitting.So,without chairs ,your life would be less comfortable,and less fasionable!
By D.W.

Student Post: Chairs!

Oct 26, 2016 10:03:08 AM.jpg

Oct 25, 2016 2:38:42 PM.jpg4ry has some new chairs that are liked a lot! The new seats in 4ry are everywhere and come in many shapes and sizes. The first new chair that is favored is what I like to call the (drumroll please) turny chair!!?!!! ( and yes that is a question mark) They are elusive and there is only one per table group and they turn!  They are plastic and you can sit in them backwards.These chairs are good for learning because you can still focus on the speaker while you use all your unwanted energy. And the next favored seat is (another drumroll please) regular chair!!! (and yes this sounds bad but they are good) they are green and have bouncy backs. And surprisingly you can sit in them backwards. These chairs are less elusive everybody gets one. They are amazingly comfy and are still liked. The last great chair of 4ry is the mighty bean bag chair! This chair is also green and you can also sit in them backwards. They are located in the library and in the corner. All these chairs are good for learning so come to 4ry to try these great chairs out!Oct 31, 2016 9:45:05 AM.jpg

By J.K.

Student Post: Plant Unit

                               Plant unit in science                                    

Did you know we couldn’t breath without plant. Here in 4RY were learning about plants. There are lots of seeds in the world.Sunflower seeds are very common also the eighth tallest in the world. In our class did a germination inquiry project. The name was “what does a plant need to germinate” we already knew but we had some ideas. Some of the ideas were soda instead of water, and different soils. We learned there are lots of important parts of a flower. One of the most important parts is the anther the anther makes the pollen. Photosynthesis is the process which plants use energy from sunlight to produce sugar. This is important because then the plant would not have food. By doing this unit in science we learned what plants need to germinate. Image result for sunflowers

                by A.H

Student Post: Plant Parts

Plant parts

What has 4 different parts with 4 different functions. Plants of course. Now let’s see what their special functions do.First up the roots. The roots are the part of the plant that seeks out nutrients for the plant.  Next up the stem. The stem is a part that holds up both the flower  and the leaves to the sun. Plus the stem also takes all the nutrients the roots collected and transports it to the plant.And Then the leaves. The leaves go through a process called photosynthesis this process both helps us and the plant how you ask read this to find out. Okay here is  what they need 1.sunlight  2.water And finally 3.carbon dioxide. And before you ask this is how it affects us. They make OXYGEN as a waste. But we help to. We give them the carbon dioxide as a waste. And finally the flower.The flower reproduces the seeds by using a process called pollination. First the flower makes nectar to attract bees or butterflies. Next while the pollinators get the nectar for themselves the pollen sticks to their bodies. Finally they find a different flower and the pollen sticks to that plant and makes new seeds that regrow then the process repeats.Without their functions plants might not survive. Oct 31, 2016 9:57:53 AM.jpg

By R.L.